divendres, 26 de maig del 2017

Some of my life experiences

I have already been in Disneyland

I have already been in Tunez

I have already travelled by crusier (Greece, Turkey, Italy)

I haven't travelled to Punta Cana yet

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dilluns, 22 de maig del 2017

One of my favourites love song

James Arthur - Say you Won't let go


This love song talks about an unrequited love.
It is about a men who seeks a stable partner and goes to a party where he mets a women younger than him and falls in love.   They spend all night together. He tells her how he feels and wants to spend the rest of his days with her but she does not feel the same.  

dijous, 18 de maig del 2017

End of year dance festival

I am in a dance school in Figueres called Danceme and every end of the year there is a festival in the Teatre Jardí in Figueres.

This year the festival was set in stories and classic cartoons; Brave, The Mad Hatter, Princesses, Elves ...
My group was from Little Red Riding Hood.

We have done it Friday 2, Saturday 3 and Sunday 4th of June.
Each day we had to spend most of the afternoon there to dress, make-up, comb and put everything in order.

Once we finished acting we could not leave until the whole festival was over, so we left very late and very tired.
The last day was my birthday and those in my group brought me a chocolate muffin with a candle and they sang me happy birthday; And then at night we all went out to dinner.

Being three days in a row and so long we were all very tired, but I think it's worth it because if we're there it's because we like dancing.

It is a festival that lasts about three hours because we are between 400 and 500 students.

This is my first year at this school and I liked it a lot, next year I plan to stay in this one. 

La imagen puede contener: exterior La imagen puede contener: 3 personas, multitud e interior

dilluns, 15 de maig del 2017

Unesco Cultural Heritage

Rio de Janeiro: Carioca Landscapes between the Mountain and the Sea

I would like to visit many places around the world, and Rio de Janeiro, Carioca, is one of them.

I chose this site because on the map I saw the photos and I really liked it.
Last year I did the "Treball de Síntesi" work about Puerto Rico and found it interesting and I think Rio de Janeiro can be interesting to.

It's a place where there are many tourists, I found it interesting and it was when I decided to go look on the internet why people like it so much.
I like the fact that I have sea and mountain together.
It's a different place; You can go to the beach or go for a walk in the mountains and that is one of the things that I like.

At night with all the lights is a very nice and perfect place to go for a walk.

It is located in America, in the northeast of the Caribbean, in the east of the Dominican Republic.

I wish I could go there someday.         

Date of Inscription: 2012 

Resultado de imagen de rio de janeiro

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  Resultado de imagen de Rio de Janeiro: Carioca Landscapes between the Mountain and the Sea